AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Burpee + Single Arm Clean x10alt
Shuttle Run x6
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Burpee + Single Arm Clean x10alt
Shuttle Run x6
“Mike B”
3 Rounds:
In 2 Minutes:
Row 200m
OHS x7-10
Max Rep Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
Power Clean x2
T2B x2
*Ascending Reps by 2s
Rest 1 Minute
There isn’t a day that passes that you don’t grace my memories and I know I’m not the only one. You touched so many lives in this world and we still the feel the same way since the first time we made this post
You are a light that shines deep within us all. No words will ever capture your spirit, you excitement, your presence in our lives. We love you Mike, forever and always.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Devils Press + Push Press x10
Step Back Rainbow Slam x20alt
Bear Plank (@ Wall) x30 seconds
Wall Sit + Front Raise x60 seconds
Bear Plank (@ Wall) x30 seconds
Med Ball Lat. Ski Jump x20alt
DB Deadbug x10alt
Happy Birthday Raq!
You have inspired and touched so many lives in our community in and out of the gym and you do it all by just being you. You have the most amazing heart which I get to see in action each and everyday. You do so much for so many and never ask for anything in return. Thank you for being the amazing human that you are. I love you more than anything in this world.
Row 350m
DB Push Press x20
Row 350m
Strict Pull Up x10
Row 350m
Plank K2E 20alt
Row 350m
DB Power Clean x10
Happy Birthday Linda!
You are one of the strongest people I know. Even though you don’t live in the same place doesn’t mean you aren’t a big part of our community. You always helped no matter the job and your presence on and off the floor with so many people touched so many lives. You are an amazing human.
O.T.M for 5 Rounds
Minute #1: Box Jump x3-5
Max Rep Burpee
Minute #2: Rest
Happy Birthday Richard & Paula!
Two awesome individuals who always bring their “A” game regardless of what is put before them. Soft spoken and filled with passion. You both bring so many smiles to all you come in contact with. Thank you for all you do.
AMRAP 25 Minutes
Shoulder Press x3-5
Plank Shoulder Touch x20 alt
PVC Prone Raise x10 @ 1-2 seconds
DB Pull Over x10-20
Rest As Needed
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Goblet Squat x20
Renegade Row x10alt
Farmers Carry x40m
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Push Press x10
KB Swing x10
Box Jump x10
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Single Unders x100
K2E x12
Side Plank x30 seconds/side
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Back Squat x3-5
Air Squat x20 seconds
Front Foot Elevated Staggered Deadlift x8-12/side
Bridge Hold x30-60 seconds
Rest as Needed