The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Dec 6/24

5 Rounds:

Wall Ball x15 

Row 15/10 cal 

Happy Birthday Tim & Happy Early Birthday Stacey G!

A blast to have in class, You both are quiet but very clever always bringing the punchline at the right time. Thank you for always making class fun and being a part of our community. It wouldn’t be the same with you both

Workout of the Day – Nov 29/24

“Mike B”

3 Rounds: 

In 2 Minutes:

Row 200m 

OHS x7-10 

Max Rep Double Unders 

Rest 1 Minute 

AMRAP 2 Minutes: 

Power Clean x2

T2B x2

*Ascending Reps by 2s 

Rest 1 Minute

There isn’t a day that passes that you don’t grace my memories and I know I’m not the only one. You touched so many lives in this world and we still the feel the same way since the first time we made this post

You are a light that shines deep within us all. No words will ever capture your spirit, you excitement, your presence in our lives. We love you Mike, forever and always.

Workout of the Day – Nov 27/24

Row 350m 

DB Push Press x20 

Row 350m 

Strict Pull Up x10

Row 350m

Plank K2E 20alt 

Row 350m 

DB Power Clean x10 

Happy Birthday Linda! 

You are one of the strongest people I know. Even though you don’t live in the same place doesn’t mean you aren’t a big part of our community. You always helped no matter the job and your presence on and off the floor with so many people touched so many lives. You are an amazing human.

Workout of the Day – Nov 18/24

O.T.M for 5 Minutes:

Pull Up x3 

Burpee – max reps 

Rest 1 Minute

O.T.M for 5 Minutes:

DB Snatch x10alt 

Row – max cal 

Happy Belated Birthday Sheeba!

An awesome human, You support everyone around you and never ask for anything in return. You are a great friend and a fantastic athlete.

Workout of the Day – Nov 12/24

5 Rounds:

Row 2 Minutes 

TGU Sit Up x1 Minute (30 sec/side) 

Happy Birthday Cheryl D! 

You have an adventurous spirit and always looking to push and support your friends. Thank you for letting us help you along the way and be apart of your journey.

Workout of the Day – Nov 4/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes

Horizontal Pull Up x12 

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x12/side 

V-Up x24 

Row 24/20 cal 

Happy Birthday Jolen!

You come in and rock it hard, Thank you for your kindness and your presence in our community. You are a silent and hard working ninja.