The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Dec 5/24

AMRAP 10 Minutes:

DB Power Clean x7

DB Push Press x7

Ring Row/Horizontal Pull x7

Happy Birthday Wendy!

An amazing person, who always comes ready to throw down and learn. Thank you for your support and your ongoing support to others around you.

Workout of the Day – Nov 27/24

Row 350m 

DB Push Press x20 

Row 350m 

Strict Pull Up x10

Row 350m

Plank K2E 20alt 

Row 350m 

DB Power Clean x10 

Happy Birthday Linda! 

You are one of the strongest people I know. Even though you don’t live in the same place doesn’t mean you aren’t a big part of our community. You always helped no matter the job and your presence on and off the floor with so many people touched so many lives. You are an amazing human.

Workout of the Day – Aug 23/24

DB Snatch x10alt 

Run 400m

DB Power Clean x20

Run 400m

DB Push Jerk/Press x30

Run 400m 

DB Front Squat x40 

Run 400m 

Happy Birthday Kristine!

So Strong but also so kind. A great role model, you always lead from the front and live what you teach. Inspiring and amazing.

Workout of the Day – June 1/24

5 Rounds:

DB Power Clean x8

DB Floor Press x10

DB Single Leg RDL x8/side 

DB Shoulder Press x5 

Happy Birthday Holly!

A very special day for a very special person, always brining life to your surroundings. Its great to have you back in our community and we are grateful to be a part of your journey.