The Core: Health & Fitness

Today's WOD

Workout of the Day – Feb 10/25

10 Rounds: 

DB Thruster x9 

Double Unders x35 

Happy Birthday Josh and Happy Belated Birthday Wade! 

Two Awesome individuals who have a whole lot of heart in and out of the gym. You both show compassion in what you do with all you come in contact with. Its been amazing having you both in our community.

Workout of the Day – Feb 7/25


AMRAP 10 Minutes:

S2OH x5

Deadlift x10

Box Jump x15

Happy Birthday Candice!

A firecracker of a workout for a super special person in our world. You are kind, funny, strong, and so much more. Thank you for always being you regardless of the circumstance. You are a great friend and person, we are so thankful to have you in our lives.

Workout of the Day – Feb 3/25

Ring Row/Horizontal Pull x15

Burpee x30 

V-Up x60

Burpee x30 

Ring Row/Horizontal Pull x15 

Happy Belated Birthday Melissa!

A solid individual who always comes ready to rock regardless of the work set. You have a great sense of humour and are one of the kindest people I know. So grateful to have you in our community.