The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Nov 28/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes: 

Devils Press + Push Press x10 

Step Back Rainbow Slam x20alt 

Bear Plank (@ Wall) x30 seconds 

Wall Sit + Front Raise x60 seconds 

Bear Plank (@ Wall) x30 seconds 

Med Ball Lat. Ski Jump x20alt 

DB Deadbug x10alt

Happy Birthday Raq!

You have inspired and touched so many lives in our community in and out of the gym and you do it all by just being you. You have the most amazing heart which I get to see in action each and everyday. You do so much for so many and never ask for anything in return. Thank you for being the amazing human that you are. I love you more than anything in this world.

Workout of the Day – Oct 10/24

5 Rounds:

Wall Sit x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

V-Up x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Split Squat Hold x40 seconds (side 1) 

Rest 20 seconds 

Arch Up x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Split Squat Hold x40 seconds (side 2) 

Rest 20 seconds 

Happy Birthday Alexis!

A Silent Ninja who crushes souls and is always ready to learn. You are funny and an amazing person. Thank you for being the awesome person you are.

Workout of the Day – Oct 1/24

AMRAP 25 Minutes:

Deadlift x5-10 (65-80%)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x8-12/side 

Wall Sit x20-30 seconds 

Tempo Goblet Squat x10-20 @ 3 second eccentric 

Rest As Needed

Happy Birthday Serena & Sarah B! 

Two Amazing People. Hard workers in and out of the gym and always ready to use their fitness in the world. Thank you for your trust and being part of the this community.