9 Rounds:
DB Clean & Press x6alt
Ring Row x6
9 Rounds:
DB Clean & Press x6alt
Ring Row x6
Every 2 Minutes for 7 Rounds:
Row 250m
Wall Ball x10-20
DB Push Press
AMRAP 15 Minutes
Pull Up x5
Burpee x10
Box Jump x15
Happy Birthday Sharleen!
A solid individual who has an adventurous spirit and always asks a good question. You are stronger than you know and we are honoured to witness your strength day in and day out.
Every 3 Minutes for 18 Minutes:
T2B x6-9
KB Swing x9-12
Goblet Squat x12-15
Happy Birthday Jeanne!
A funny, kind, and loving person who can always bring a smile to your face. You are an inspiration to all you come in contact with in and out of the gym. Thank you for being a so great.
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Push Press x2-3 (80-90%)
TGU Sit Up x5-8/side
DB Pull Over x10-20
Quad Plank x20-30 seconds
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Handstand x30 seconds
TGU Sit Up x5/side
Push Up x15
DB Snatch (alt)
Box Jump x15
Happy Birthday Moira!
You may be away for now training and learning you are always a part of this community. Your effort and hard work are always on display when you step on the floor. Always showing support for others thank you for being an amazing part of our community in and out of the gym.
Row x20 seconds/Rest 10 seconds (8 Rounds)
Plank x20 seconds/Rest 10 seconds (4 Rounds)
Hang x20 seconds/Rest 10 seconds (4 Rounds)
Plank x20 seconds/Rest 10 seconds (4 Rounds)
Row x20 seconds/Rest 10 seconds (8 Rounds)
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Deadlift x2-3 (80-90%)
Pause Goblet Squat x5 @ 3 second hold
Split Squat x8-12/side
Single Leg Bridge x10/side