AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Deadlift x8-12 (60-75%)
Wall Sit x20-30 seconds
Split Squat x8-12/side
Single Leg Bridge Hold x15-20s
Rest As Needed
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Deadlift x8-12 (60-75%)
Wall Sit x20-30 seconds
Split Squat x8-12/side
Single Leg Bridge Hold x15-20s
Rest As Needed
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
Deadlift x12
Box Jump x21
Happy Birthday Mary Mc!
A kind and talented individual, you have an amazing fight in you and always push. Thank you for always being you and your trust over the years.
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Deadlift x5-10 (65-80%)
Staggered Deadlift x5-8/side
Split Squat x8-12/side
Vertical Power Jump x10-20
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Deadlift x8-12
Pause Goblet Squat x5 @ 3 second holds
Split Squat x8-12/side
Single Leg Bridge Hold x15-20 seconds/side
3 Rounds:
Deadlift x10
T2B x20
O.T.M for 15 Minutes:
Minute #1: Deadlift x8-10
Minute #2: DB Pull Over x Max Reps
Minute #3: Box Jumps x Max Reps
-Build to Heavy Single
10 Rounds:
Deadlift x5
DB Shoulder Press x5
Pull Up x5
Happy Birthday Sabrina, Chris, Trish, Jen, Margaret!
Five individuals who are all unique and amazing. Thank you for becoming more than friends in our world but family in our community.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Deadlift x2
DB Shoulder Press x4
Box Jump x2
*Ascending Deadlift/Box Jumps by 2’s
*Ascending Shoulder Press by 4s
-Build to heavy 3 set