AMRAP 15 Minutes
Single Unders x150
DB Snatch x10/side
Strict K2E x15
V-Up x10
AMRAP 15 Minutes
Single Unders x150
DB Snatch x10/side
Strict K2E x15
V-Up x10
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
Shoulder Press x5-10
Single Arm Seated Shoulder Press x10-20 alt
Bent Row x10-12alt
Forearm Plank Rock x10-15
Rest As Needed
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Row 250m
TGU Sit Up x5/side
Happy Birthday Vince!
All the kindness in one body, you are an amazing person. A jack of all trades. Thank you for your trust and friendship. We are so happy to have you a part of our community.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Plate G2OH x20
Wall Ball x15
Renegade Row x10alt
Happy Birthday Emmet!
A kind and excellent person in our community. You are always looking to challenge and make yourself a more efficient mover for life and sport. Thank you for your attention to detail and your drive
3 Rounds:
Ring Row x15
Row 800m
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Run 400m/200m
Burpee x1
*Ascending by 1’s
5 Rounds:
Row x40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
KB Swing x40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Step Up x40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
DB Front Rack Carry x100m
Heel Elevated Goblet Squat Hold x20 seconds
MB Tall Clean x10
Plank Plate Walk x20alt
5 Rounds:
Double Under x50
Shoulder Press x10
Pull Up x5
Happy Birthday Jayme!
Another kind and loving soul in our community. You always brighten up any class you attend. You are always asking questions to better understand your movement and body. Thank you for all you do in our community in and out of the gym
AMRAP 25 Minutes
Back Squat x5-10 (65-80%)
Goblet Squat x10-20
Front Foot Elevated Staggered Deadlift x8/side
Vertical Power Jump x10-20
Happy Birthday Greg!
One of the kindest souls Ive ever met. You are always thinking of others in every aspect of your life. Thank you for your friendship over the years and having music chats pre, during, and post workout.