The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Jan 4/25

4 Rounds:

Step Up x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Row x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Air Squat x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Row x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Ring Row x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Workout of the Day – Aug 3/24

4 Rounds:
Single Leg RDL x40 seconds (Leg 1) 
Rest 20 seconds 
Single Arm Bent Row x40 seconds (Arm 1)
Rest 20 seconds 
Single Leg RDL x40 seconds (Leg 2) 
Rest 20 seconds 
Single Arm Bent Row x40 seconds (Arm 2)
Rest 20 seconds 
Step Up x40 seconds 
Rest 20 seconds 
Plank x40 seconds 
Rest 20 seconds 

Workout of the Day – Feb 20/24

3 Rounds

Double Under x75 

DB Deadlift x12

Box Step Up x20 

Happy Birthday Tanis R!

A very special person who is always ready to throw down. You always come in with an open mind and ready to support your fellow people.