The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – April 1/24

Dynamic Triangle x3-5/side

Windmill x3-5/side

Single Leg Good Morning with Rotation x3-5/side

Staggered Deadlift with Rotation x3-5/side

Single Leg Bridge Hold x10-20 seconds/side

2-5 Rounds

Half Hollow x10-20 seconds

Tuck Hollow x10-20 seconds

Laying Toe Touch x10 @ 3 second hold at top

Deadbug x10alt

2-5 Rounds

Laying Rainbow x3-5/side

Laying Pec Stretch x3-5/side

Baby Cobra x3-5

Prone Shoulder Raise (T) x3 @ 5 seconds

2-5 Rounds

Workout of the Day – March 30/24

5 Rounds 

Ring Row x6 

Goblet Squat x12 

DB Shoulder Press x6

Happy Birthday Karen!

The Silent Ninja who crushes souls each and everyday. You are kind, generous, and thoughtful but also very strong inside and out. You are a great friend and always thinking of others. Thank you for everything you do and for the being the great person that you are.

Workout of the Day – March 29/24

Dynamic Triangle x3-5/side

Windmill x3-5/side

Single Leg Good Morning with Rotation x3-5/side

Bridge x30-60 seconds

2-5 Rounds

Plank Lean (3 Directions) x3-5

Forearm Plank Scap Push Up x20 seconds

Prone Shoulder Raise x3-5 @ 5 seconds

Deadbug x10alt

2-5 Rounds

Laying Pec Stretch x3-5/side

Baby Cobra x3-5

Prone Hip Ext x3 @ 5 seconds/side

Prone Shoulder Raise (T) x3 @ 5 seconds

2-5 Rounds

Workout of the Day – March 28/24

O.T.M for 24 Minutes 

Minute #1: Row 

Minute #2: Hollow Hold 

Minute #3: Push Press x10 

Minute #4: Row 

Minute #5: Hollow Up x20 

Minute #6: Push Press x10 

Happy Birthday Yvonne!
Cant even begin to explain how special you are in our world. I have had the pleasure of working with you in and out of the gym for a long time now and you are more than just a friend you are family. Thank you for you endless trust over the years and allowing me to be a part of your family.

Workout of the Day – March 26/24

O.T.M for 15 Minutes 

Minute #1: DB Deadlift (2) + Carry (Forward & Backwards)

Minute #2: Box Jump x10-15

Minute #3: T2B x8-12

Happy Birthday Yana!

A strong and focused individual who has a kind heart and is always there for you. You have immense strength inside and out and I’m glad I get to be a part of your journey. Thank you for always being a great friend and being a part of the community.

Workout of the Day – March 21/24

7 Rounds:

Floor Press x40 seconds

Rest 20 seconds 

Bent Row x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Alt. Bridge March x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Happy Birthday Deb!

You are a badass! Watching what you do day in and day out, it’s inspiring beyond what you will ever know. You are an amazing individual who always comes in with and open mind and an open heart ready for action. Thank you for always being the kind soul you are and always willing to bring the thunder.