The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Jan 3/25

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

Pull Up x1 

DB Floor Press x1 

Double Under x35 

*Ascending Reps by 1’s 

Happy Birthday Don, Shaun, Early Birthday Yiota! 

So many unique individuals all sharing this very special day. You are all Hard workers but never hesitate to support those around you. Thank you for your friendship and trust over the years.. Reps for everyone!

Workout of the Day – Nov 19/24

10 Rounds:

DB Pull Over Deadbug x20 seconds

Rest 10 seconds 

DB Floor Press x20 seconds 

Rest 10 seconds 

Happy Birthday Darlene!

A kind soul who always brings her A Game. Thank you for becoming part of the family and sharing yours with us.

Workout of the Day – June 26/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes 

Run 100m

DB Floor Press x5

Run 100m

Pull Over x10

Run 100m

Push Up x15

Rest 1 Minute 

Happy Birthday Sherry K!

An inspiring individual who not only lives a healthy lifestyle but helps guides others to do so as well. Best Kip in the business and an awesome and kind person.

Workout of the Day – June 1/24

5 Rounds:

DB Power Clean x8

DB Floor Press x10

DB Single Leg RDL x8/side 

DB Shoulder Press x5 

Happy Birthday Holly!

A very special day for a very special person, always brining life to your surroundings. Its great to have you back in our community and we are grateful to be a part of your journey.

Workout of the Day – May 10/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

Double Under x35

Renegade Row x10alt 

DB Floor Press x10

Goblet Squat x15 

Happy Birthday Reid & Kendra!

Two amazing individuals quiet in nature furious on the floor. You both are kind and filled with love and we are so happy you are a part of our community. Thank you for your friendship and for you being the amazing people you are.