The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Oct 25/24

DB Deadlift x75 

DB Front Rack Step Up x50

DB Thruster x25 

Happy Birthday Shelley!

A super strong individual mentally and physically, you are always pushing yourself to your edge. You are a good friend, supportive and always willing to encourage and push.

Workout of the Day – Oct 9/24

DB Deadlift x30 

DB Front Squat x20 

DB Snatch x10alt 

Happy Birthday Shannon and Kim H!

Two strong people in our community who are kind, loving, and adventurous. Artistic and talented in all you take on you are guided with the heart and always ready to support others.

Workout of the Day – Aug 17/24

O.T.M For 5 Rounds: 

Minute #1: DB Deadlift x9/DB Hang Power Clean x6/DB Push Press x3

Minute #2: Single Unders

Happy Early Birthday Shawn B!

A great person thru and thru. You are an amazing human. A teacher who does so much for his students and just brings happiness to all around you. Thank you for your friendship and trust.

Workout of the Day – March 26/24

O.T.M for 15 Minutes 

Minute #1: DB Deadlift (2) + Carry (Forward & Backwards)

Minute #2: Box Jump x10-15

Minute #3: T2B x8-12

Happy Birthday Yana!

A strong and focused individual who has a kind heart and is always there for you. You have immense strength inside and out and I’m glad I get to be a part of your journey. Thank you for always being a great friend and being a part of the community.

Workout of the Day – March 16/24

O.T.M for 16 Minutes:

Minute #1: L-Sit 

Minute #2: Handstand Hold 

Minute #3: DB Deadlift 

Minute #4: Pull Up 

Happy Birthday Joelle!

A newer member in our community but an amazing individual who is a silent Ninja who crushes all that comes their way.

Workout of the Day – Feb 20/24

3 Rounds

Double Under x75 

DB Deadlift x12

Box Step Up x20 

Happy Birthday Tanis R!

A very special person who is always ready to throw down. You always come in with an open mind and ready to support your fellow people.

Workout of the Day – Dec 30/23

6 Rounds:

DB Deadlift x10

Shuttle Run x20

Happy Birthday Roy!
You are an awesome person, a silent ninja who crushes whatever he does. Thank you for the on going trust you give to our community.