The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – June 1/24

5 Rounds:

DB Power Clean x8

DB Floor Press x10

DB Single Leg RDL x8/side 

DB Shoulder Press x5 

Happy Birthday Holly!

A very special day for a very special person, always brining life to your surroundings. Its great to have you back in our community and we are grateful to be a part of your journey.

Workout of the Day – May 30/24

Tabata Double Unders x4 Rounds (20/10) 

Rest 30 seconds 

AMRAP 19 Minutes:

Box Jump x20

Row x15/12 cal 

T2B x12

DB Shoulder Press x6 

Rest 30 seconds 

Tabata Double Unders x4 Rounds 

Happy Birthday Wylie, Joel, Colton!

Three Amazing people in our world that we have had the honor to watch grow up from youth to the individuals they are today. We are so proud of all of you for so many reasons and all point back to the amazing character you have. Your strength, your kindness, and your amazing hearts. So grateful for being a part of your journey and so excited to see where life takes you.

Workout of the Day – May 24/24

10 Rounds:

Deadlift x5 

DB Shoulder Press x5 

Pull Up x5 

Happy Birthday Sabrina, Chris, Trish, Jen, Margaret!

Five individuals who are all unique and amazing. Thank you for becoming more than friends in our world but family in our community.

Workout of the Day – March 30/24

5 Rounds 

Ring Row x6 

Goblet Squat x12 

DB Shoulder Press x6

Happy Birthday Karen!

The Silent Ninja who crushes souls each and everyday. You are kind, generous, and thoughtful but also very strong inside and out. You are a great friend and always thinking of others. Thank you for everything you do and for the being the great person that you are.