The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Oct 1/24

AMRAP 25 Minutes:

Deadlift x5-10 (65-80%)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x8-12/side 

Wall Sit x20-30 seconds 

Tempo Goblet Squat x10-20 @ 3 second eccentric 

Rest As Needed

Happy Birthday Serena & Sarah B! 

Two Amazing People. Hard workers in and out of the gym and always ready to use their fitness in the world. Thank you for your trust and being part of the this community.

Workout of the Day – Sept 30/24

3 Rounds:

Row 500m/350m

V-Up x30

Wall Walk x5 

Workout of the Day – Sept 28/24

4 Rounds:

V-Up x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Single Arm DB Push Press x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Ring Row x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Single Arm DB Push Press x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

MB Chest Pass + Scoop Toss x40 seconds

Rest 20 seconds 

Happy Birthday Mike & Randi!

Two Individuals with hearts of gold. You are amazing people so it is perfect you share a Birthday together!

Workout of the Day – Sept 26/24

4 Rounds:

DB Front Rack/OH Hold x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Split Squat Hold x40 seconds 

Rest 40 seconds 

DB Front Rack/OH Hold x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Split Squat Hold x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Wall Angle Hold x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Workout of the Day – Sept 25/24

AMRAP 10 Minutes 

DB Floor Press x10 

Row 15/10 cal 

AMRAP 10 Minutes 

Burpee x10 

Row 15/10 cal 

Happy Birthday Tyler H!

A silent ninja, who is so damn strong inside and out. You are a great friend and always ready to help, That is when you arent saving lives.

Workout of the Day – Sept 24/24

AMRAP 25 Minutes:

Shoulder Press x5-10 (65-80%) 

Seated Shoulder Press/ Z Press x10-20alt 

Single Arm Bent Row x8-12/side 

Forearm Plank Rock x10-15 

Rest As Needed 

Workout of the Day – Sept 23/24

3 Rounds:

Double Under x50 

Wall Ball x50 

DB Clean & Jerk x10

Happy Birthday Tyler O!

New to our community, you are a hard worker and a kind individual.

Workout of the Day – Sept 21/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

Row 500m/350m

L-Sit x20 seconds 

DB Push Press x8

Happy Birthday Jeff and Dianne!

Two adventurous people who crush souls each and every time you step on the floor. Quiet and hardworking like the ninjas that you are.