The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Jan 2/25

5 Rounds:

Row x40 seconds (max cal) 

T2B x Max Set 

Wall Ball x10-20 

Rest 1 Minutes 

Happy Birthday Deb P!

A newer member to our community who comes in and works hard and keeps it consistent. Thank you for becoming a part of our community and thank you for being the open and amazing person you are.

Workout of the Day – Oct 16/24

4 Rounds:

Box Step Over x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Strict T2B x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

DB Snatch (alt) x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Push Up x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Happy Birthday Brooke! 

You are a driven individual, who crushes all things. We are so pumped to have you in our community and are so pumped to see what the future has in store for you.