The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – May 23/24


Wall Ball 

Double Unders 

Hollow Hold x60 seconds 

Happy Birthday Emma G!

A smart and strong individual we have had the honour to watch grow up. You are an amazing person and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to share in your journey. Excited to see what the world has in store for you or what you have in store for the world.

Workout of the Day – April 18/24

5 Rounds:

Wall Ball x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

DB Floor Press x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

MB Clean x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

DB Pull Over x40 seconds 

Rest 20 seconds 

Happy Birthday Michelle! 

A strong individual who comes ready to crush anything that comes her way. Thank you for always being ready to try something new and learn. Thank you for your trust and friendship over the years.

Workout of the Day – Feb 23/24

T2B x10 

KB Swing x25 

Wall Ball x25 

T2B x10 

KB Swing x35 

Wall Ball x35 

T2B x10 

KB Swing x50 

Wall Ball x50 

Happy Birthday Micaela! 
An awesome person who brings a smile to everyone’s face when you walk in the door. Thank you for your continuing trust and friendship over the years. It’s great having you in our community and as a friend.

Workout of the Day – Feb 13/24

O.T.M for 3 Rounds:

Minute #1: Wall Ball 

Minute #2: DB Snatch 

Minute #3: Row 

Minute #4: Wall Ball 

Minute #5: DB Devils Press 

Minute #6: Row 

Happy Birthday Martene, Mebs, Sharon! 

An amazing and inspiring group of people who focus their lives on helping others through their day to day lives. Thank you for all you do and being the people that you are.

Workout of the Day – Jan 16/24

Wall Ball x50

KB Swing x50

T2B x10 

Wall Ball x35

KB Swing x35

T2B x10

Wall Ball x25

KB Swing x25

T2B x10

Happy Birthday Leanda!

An amazing and talented individual. You have made some huge changes in your life in the past few years and all to be the healthiest nana you can be. You are an inspiration and a great human. Thank you for your friendship and allowing us to be a part of your journey.