The Core: Health & Fitness

Workout of the Day – Nov 4/24

AMRAP 20 Minutes

Horizontal Pull Up x12 

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x12/side 

V-Up x24 

Row 24/20 cal 

Happy Birthday Jolen!

You come in and rock it hard, Thank you for your kindness and your presence in our community. You are a silent and hard working ninja.

Workout of the Day – Dec 8/23

O.T.M for 20 Minutes:

Minute 1: L-Sit

Minute 2: Pull Overs

Minute 3: Shuttle Run – Side Shuffle

Minute 4: Horizontal Pull Up

Happy Birthday Stacey G!

An Amazing Individual who cares for all. You are a great friend and a fantastic member of our community. In gym and out. You always lead with your heart and help so many.